In the very near future this site is aimed to be one of the most visited and resourceful internet sites an avid Scuba Diver can find.
Initially it will provide as many links worthy of visit around New Zealand. As well as providing a wealth of information for the local diver, its hoped we can promote NZ as a dive destination of deserved interest for worldwide travelers.
As an extremely enthusiastic diver, I try to get down under as much as the weather will allow. Of the many great people I've met over my short ten year dive career, enthusiasm is definitely the most common trait found.
Over the coming months we would like to build a network of contributors from around N.Z that are interested in sharing both their local knowledge of dive spots, and experience. One thing is for sure, I know as we all do, that NZ is extremely privileged to have the marine environment it doe's. We all continually learn something new throughout our diving years. Travel to places never dived before always provides an adrenalin rush of optimism.
As the eve of 2001 approaches, NZDIVING would like to wish everyone a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year. May the DIVING season be especially rewarding to all.
Regards ED.